Friday, November 12, 2010

Some fun websites

Okay, so it's really just one fun website.  It's early in the morning and the other websites have left my brain!

Possibly you have heard of on NPR.  It's where you can adopt a word that is in danger of being cut out of the Oxford English Dictionary.  I clicked on it for kicks.  The kids loved it even more than I did.  The word we adopted, veprecose, an adjective meaning "full of prickly shrubs or bushes."  Easy to use at MMS:  Andrew's friend lost his shoe when we cut through the veprecose garden bed.

I've injected more coffee and have come up with more sites!

If you are looking beyond good 'ol try going to NASA's site:  Regardless of your child's age, NASA has something your child will be interested in and love.  If you have a child that is obsessed with space, like I do, then this is an amazing site, but it is such a good site that you may create an obsession.  In the world of Pokemon and Bratz dolls, maybe that's not such a bad thing!

To continue with the national theme, check out the Smithsonian website:  Like the Smithsonian museums, you can really explore anything from art to archeology to astronomy.  Great for a wide variety of ages.

Do you have any fun and educational websites you love?  Put them in the comment section.

1 comment:

  1. There's also I would caution against playing against real people, but it looks like a neat way to explore chess if you have a chess inclined kiddo. Or, if you are like me and have chess playing kids, you can learn how to play so that they don't correct you and you don't secretly think they are cheating.
